Life Assurance

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Life assurance over and above or separate to repayment of a mortgage can be arranged to provide for family and loved ones in the event of death of a parent or guardian. With clients across the UK, let us find you the best deals on the market.

Life assurance policy

So what is a life assurance policy? In the event of death, repayment of a mortgage is generally considered a priority. However, what happens if a parent or partner dies, leaving no financial support or means to replace their income? This is where a separate life assurance/family protection policy can assist. This type of policy can help to alleviate the financial impact on family members left behind. The financial impact can be significant, especially where there are no substantial savings, death in-service benefits or pension benefits.

Losing a loved one is a distressing time for all concerned, even more so where there are young children or spouse/partner is dependent on the income and financial support of the deceased. In this situation additional life assurance/family protection could be a suitable solution. To ensure that those who are reliant on the policyholder remain financially cared for.

Whole of life cover

There are several different types of life assurance contracts available. These include family income benefit, level/decreasing term assurance and whole of life contracts. At MMPE we can assist with advice on all types of insurance contract, plus the many benefits that can be included within the policy, such as;

  • indexation options
  • guaranteed insurability options
  • waiver of premium
  • permanent and total disability
  • life assurance policy trusts

We highly recommend getting advice from a professional advisor due to the ever changing options available and the complex differences each policy provider offers. Our team can help provide you with impartial advice regarding the correct products, benefits, level of cover and optional extras required based on your circumstances and budget.

We can also advise as to whether a policy would also be better written in a life assurance policy trust.